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Camp Haverim Programs & Activities


Camp Haverim offers many activities designed to meet our children’s diverse interests and encourage learning and growth. Among those activities are arts & crafts, music, journalism, drama, Maccabia Games, swimming/water play, and a full array of sports.


Icebreakers are used on the first day of each camp session to help the campers feel proud of who they are and help them get to know their fellow campers.


Our activity specialists are highly experienced and talented in their areas of expertise, and work with our campers to improve and develop new skills, as well as build confidence and self-esteem.

Water Activities

All campers will be offered the option of playing in the pool or choosing an alternative water activity. Each camper who chooses to use the pool will be screened to determine his/her swimming skills and will be permitted to swim only in sections of the pool that are appropriate for his/her demonstrated swimming ability.


There will be two certified lifeguards and at least two staff members on duty at the pool at all times when campers are in the pool area. Campers will be offered the opportunity to use the pool every day of camp unless they are away on a field trip or there is some reason that the pool is closed. Please note that while we offer play time in the pool to give the kids an opportunity to cool off, we do not offer any swimming instruction.


Camp offers alternative water activities (such as a slip-n-slide) for campers who do not want to play in the pool (or whose parents do not want them to play in the pool).



Our campers spend most of their day engaged in outdoor recreation activities. In combining the best staff, facilities, and programming at Camp Haverim, we are able to offer our campers a full array of sports. Our sports program includes soccer, tennis, capture-the-flag, softball, basketball, relay races, and a day of “Maccabia” games (Israeli Mini-Olympics). During athletic activities, all campers are taught to play fairly and follow the rules. Our sports program goals are to improve and develop new skills while fostering confidence and self-esteem.


Arts & Crafts

Camp Haverim offers a variety of arts and crafts activities to enhance creative and technical skills while incorporating Jewish themes and values into the projects. The arts and crafts specialist encourages each child to explore his/her artistic side through painting and sketching, sculpture, tie dyeing, and other media.



During each session of camp, we publish a newspaper called the Haverim Press. Campers who choose to participate in journalism will interview other campers and staff, write up their stories, take photos, make illustrations, and conduct polls to produce a newspaper for the camp. Staff work with campers on writing, editing, and design skills. On the last day of each session, the budding journalists deliver their newspaper to campers and families attending our end-of-camp Shabbat celebration.



Our drama specialist works with campers on all aspects of staging a production with the focus of the project being to have fun, enjoy being part of a production, and feel confident in trying out and honing acting skills. The themes of the productions are Jewish and the campers have a voice in all areas from writing to acting to costume and set design. On the second Friday of each session, campers who chose drama as their elective perform a short play in front of the rest of the campers and their families.


Habonim Program (Grades 7-8)

Our Habonim (which means the Builders) Program offers more challenging age-appropriate activities to campers in grades 7 and 8. Our Habonim experience exciting sports activities, such as surfing, scuba diving, and tennis, and receive leadership training to prepare them to return in subsequent years as Counselors-in-Training (CIT).